Once again, the Beer Festival season is about to begin in Prague! Here’s a list of some noteworthy festivals that we’re looking forward to:
Černokostelecké vysmolení, May 21: Located in Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, a village to the east of Prague, this is a lovely festival with fantastic beers, in a pleasant old brewery.
Pivo a Burger Fest, May 22: Karlínské Náměstí will hold a one day event, a burger fest with beers from 20 microbreweries, with a focus on top fermented beers. Hendrych, one of favorite newer microbreweries will be participating.
Žižkovské Pivobraní, June 3-4: On top of Parukářka in Prague 3, with a great view of the city. An event for everyone.
Microbrewery Festival at Prague Castle, June 10-11: The Czech-Moravian Union of Microbreweries (Českomoravský svaz minipivovarů) hosts their annual festival at the Prague Castle Gardens. A great opportunity to try beers from all of the microbreweries and see what brewers are up to.
Pivo na Náplavce, June 17-18th: A nice lineup and located on the river bank between Palacký Most and Výtoň bridges. Always popular and packs a crowd.