Homey and cozy, U Vodoucha's main appeal is its quaint old Czech style, and of course the beer. 9 taps run here, rotating a steady stream of Czech beers.
One foot in the door, and a quaint charming feeling of being in an old-time kitchen is inescapable. The smell of onions and garlic cooking in butter fills the air, and the site of multiple, shiny gold taps gives you the anticipation of more than a few beers to try. U Vodoucha takes the charms of drinking in a homey environment, and gives it the choice that we appreciate from the best multi-tap pubs.
On tap, they’ve got 9 Czech beers, from breweries like Zlatá Labut´, Harrach, Černá Hora, Dobřanský, Kocour, Opat, Herold, and Podkrkonošsky. More often than not, you’ll have the chance to try an ale; for example, they sometimes have beers from Beskydský Pivovar, one of our favorite Czech breweries newer to the scene. These taps rotate simply based on consumption, so the selection changes frequently.
Also operated by Černokostelecký Pivovár, U Vodoucha is a sister pub to the legendary U Slovanské Lípy, which is located just down the hill in Žižkov. Having a comprehensive selection of most of the Czech staples that make a night out drinking enjoyable, the cuisine is simple, hearty, and has that authentic home-cooked taste. The řízek (schnitzel) is tender with a crispy breading, the beef tongue delicious, and the pâté and pickled cheese equally delightful. They also have one of our pub favorites, quargels (even as avid eaters of this cheese this term was new to us), which are breaded and fried olomoucké tvarůžky.
The interior has a genuine, simplistic, old Czech-style feeling. The walls are covered with hand stamped wall paper, dried hops hang from the ceiling, and wooden furniture all give it a rustic feel. Service varies from friendly and kind to at the worst a mild indifference. They have both a smoking and non-smoking section.
Popular amongst all ages, U Vodoucha fills up quickly so a reservation is recommended. An equal walking distance from metro stations Jiřího z Poděbrad and Flora (on the A line), U Vodoucha is on the corner of Jagellonská and Bořivojova streets, in Žižkov.
Beer name | Brewery | Style | |
Cerna Hora Velen | 11° | Černá Hora | Wheat Beer |
Zlatá Labuť Světlý Ležák | 11° | Zlatá labuť | Lager |
Opat Extra Chmelené | 11° | Opat | Lager |
Kocour Samuraj | 14° | Kocour | Lager |
Žatec Baronka | 12° | Žatec | Lager |
Podkrkonošsky Speciál Tmavý | -° | Novopacké Pivovar | Lager |
Pernštejn Pardubický Taxis | 14° | Pivovar Pernštejn | Lager |
Otakar | 11° | Měšťanský Pivovar v Poličce | Lager |