On Letna’s scenic shady Čechova street, Kavárna Pod Lipami is an oasis for those in need of either a fresh beer, a dose of caffeine, or both. As Prague cafe culture goes here, the best cafes serve not only a good coffee, but you can also find a good beer.
One beer is on tap at Kavárna Pod Lipami, Vinohradský’s 11° light lager. Vinohradský’s 11° light lager is refreshing, crisp, and has a lovely earthiness that makes it feel downright healthy. It’s served in good shape here, and the servers at Kavárna Pod Lipami are equally as good baristas as tapsters.
Kavárna Pod Lipami serves Original Coffee and a small lunch menu of soups, plus sweets like cakes, cookies, and doughnuts. The interior is decorated in the trendy minimalist style that you see everywhere nowadays; a rough around the edges feel with well-worn wood and retro china.
The interior is smallish, with a few tables generously spaced in a high ceiling, airy one room cafe. Outside, they have a charming street side garden, which remains remarkably quiet considering the busy road nearby, hidden behind a fence of unkempt and wild greenery.
Service is your typical functional cafe standard with a smile if you’re lucky. Located on the corner of Čechova and Milady Horákové street, Kavárna Pod Lipami is between Letenské Náměstí and Korunovační tram stops, which are serviced by 1, 8, 12, 25, and 26 trams.
Beer name | Brewery | Style | |
Vinohradská 11° | 11° | Vinohradský Pivovar | Lager |